22 Most Asked Questions

  1. How do you use the patches? Simple; you stick them on clean, dry skin and go. Each patch comes with recommended placement locations, however, they can be place anywhere on the body as desired for effective self-care as you go about your day.

  2. Do you have to start with X39? Technically, no, all patches will work with or without the use of X39. However, the other patches are enhanced when used in tandem with X39. In most cases, it’s recommended that you start with X39 to boost your body’s over all regenerative capabilities. At the end of the day it’s a personal choice on what product you want to start with.

  3. Do I wear X39 everyday? Yes, consistency is key to seeing results. Commit to 90 days to start. Some people see immediate result but for the most part the effects are accumulative; often seen 6 weeks to a few month out. One should consider a minimum of 6month to a year of use. Not all patches are for everyday use.

  4. How long do I wear them? 12 hours a day then allow the body to rest and distribute what was created. If you forget to take them off simply skip a day. They need to be off the skin for the same amount time they were on. You also don’t want to risk your body building resistants to them.

  5. Why is it recommended I use a fresh patch everyday? Although they are good for up to 18 hrs, LifeWave patches are ionically charged and the charge weakens the longer you have them on so reusing a patch again will be less effective.

  6. Will I have to use them lifelong? That’s up to you. If you continue on with X39 after the first 90 days, it is recommended you use 1 sleeve of product per decade you have been alive before deciding if you want to continue. However, this may not be enough time depending on your health concerns or complexities of health concerns. Ultimately, it depends on health, lifestyle, personal choice and budget. I personally would wear at least X39 lifelong and use all other patches as needed.

  7. What should I do before receiving my patches? Take some time to write down how your wellness has been prior to using the patches so that you can keep track of the changes. Things like: hair, skin, mobility, strength, mental clarity, mood, digestion, illnesses and injuries past and current, etc. Awareness is key to seeing results.

  8. What is their effectiveness percentage? Most individuals see an 82-92% success rate. In 2025 the company is scheduled to release a supplement line that seems to deliver higher success rates. Stay tuned!

  9. What if I’m not seeing results after the first 90 days? What you experience depends on the level of health you began with. For example: if you are healthy you won’t notice much unless a situation arises like illness, injury, change in physical activity and with prolonged use, slower aging. In this case you would be using the products more as preventative care. A moderately health person may see immediate results with continued changes over time. A person with more severe or complicated issues, may take weeks to months before they see results because there is a lot of regeneration needed or they may need additional products. Again, continuing with the product is your choice. Keep in mind question 7.

  10. Should I tell my doctor? That’s up to you. However, some changes may only be measurable through blood test and exams.

  11. Can I stop taking my medications? I would strongly advise you don’t. It is better to have blood work done every 2-3 month. Many people have had medications reduced after a few months, others were able to get off medication entirely.

  12. Can pregnant women and children use phototherapy patches? Brand Partners cannot advise in this area as the product were not studied on pregnant women or children.

  13. Are there dietary protocols? Yes, You need to drink 4-5oz of water every 30 minutes or so, throughout the day. Avoid chugging water when possible. Electrolyte water or charged water is best. Also, a healthy diet based your blood type is beneficial. Water intake and a healthy diet are needed to enhance over all wellness, enhance cellular activity and movement. A positive outlook helps the body heal better as well.

  14. Will there be negative side effect?

    A. Most people do well, although some do experience a detox effects. Detoxing can also happen if you introduce too many patches at one time. The only exceptions are Ice Wave and Aeon; they can be use immediately with any patch you purchase.

    B. Detox can include to varying degrees: fatigue, headaches, moodiness, rashes, feeling thirsty, body aches, light headedness, etc.

    C. If you feel physical discomfort or pain; this may be one of a few things. Sometime when the body begins healing, formerly weak or blocked areas can become sore or even shift. If this happens move the patch further away from the area. If you have the patch on an area and another area begins to hurt, this may be the body signaling it wants the patch closer to or on the area that hurts. Patches will be the most potent in and around the area they make contact with before spreading through the rest of your body.

    D. Another reason for pain is overstimulation of an acupressure point. If you constantly place a patch in the same area and notice unusual symptoms occur, overstimulation can be the cause. = It’s important to understand that all acupressure points and meridians present mental, emotional and physical symptoms when out of balance. Take some time to check what symptom are associated with over stimulation of the point you have it on. Pay attention to your body’s signals and move patches around as needed. You may leave a patch in the same area as longs you aren’t noticing unwelcome changes.

  15. Can I still get sick? Yes, patches enhance the body’s ability to resist illness, recover better and faster but they don’t make you bulletproof.  

  16. Can I use them on my pets? Yes, there is a pet line or you can use a patch you had on yourself.

  17. Are they waterproof? They are water resistant. But excessive moisture can affect the sticking power so be sure to adhere them well and/or cover them with a bandaid or bandage tape if needed.

  18. Can I wear them in the shower? Technically, yes. However, excessive, prolonged heat exposure will break down the organic material inside the patch faster. Important side note:  Patches are heat activated: only remove the patch from the product sleeve that you intend on using so you don’t activate the unused patches. If your home is warm consider keeping them in an airtight container in a cooler place in your home or even in the fridge.

  19. Can I wear them at night? Yes, the exceptions are, Energy Enhancer is daytime only. Glutathione must be worn durning they day especially in the first two weeks of use. Glutathione helps cellular repair which can cause detoxing and you want to be aware of detox symptoms to manage them. Alavida and Silent Night are nighttime only. The rest can be used when it’s comfortable for you. Be sure to be hydrated when using patches day and night.

  20. What if the adhesive bothers my skin? The best option is to keep the paper on the adhesive, place the paper side on the skin and use another adhesive tape or bandage over the patch that is made for sensitive skin. Option two: leave the paper on and tuck the patch into clothing that will keep in against your skin. Using an ace bandage is a good option as well. Option three: adhere the patch to your clothing. Clothing should be on the thinner side and preferably on an area where the fabric is close to or in contact with the skin. The father away the patch is or the thicker the material, the less effective it will be for the full twelve hours which may result in discomfort towards the end of the day. In 2025 the company is scheduled to release a supplement line and water system that may work great if the patches aren’t desirable for you.

  21. Can I double patch with X39? Technically, yes. However, you would only get about 20% more benefit which is a waste of good product. Your best bet is to use X39 with other patches that have more specific functions. Only when really needed, reuse the patch you wore the previous day. Increased water intake will be needed. The you can double patch with Ice Wave when truly necessary.

  22. When can I introduce new patches? It is best to introduce new products 30 days apart. Or introduce a new patch in the evening - barring you remember question 13, 14 and 19. If you use one during the day and one at night do not introduce other products except Ice Wave or Aeon for 30 days! Watch out for detox symptoms and stay well hydrated. A consultation is still recommended. Many of the products are listed by their primary functions only; they do far more and some have overlapping qualities.

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